SEMINARIO / IMAL "Carlos Segovia Fernandez"

El viernes 6 de marzo a las 16 hs. en Sala de Capacitación del Edificio Docu- mentación del Predio, diserta Sergio Preidikman (UNC/CONICET).

Viernes 06/03/15, desde la hora 16.00, en la Sala de Capacitación del Edificio Documentación del Predio CONICET “Dr. Alberto Cassano”, Colectora Ruta Nac. 168, Paraje El Pozo, Santa Fe.

Disertante: Dr. Sergio Preidikman (CONICET-UNC)

Título:  “Developing Nonlinear Models for Aeroservoelastic Behavior of Large-scale Horizontal-axis Wind Turbines”. Idioma del seminario: español.


Wind turbine technology has evolved rapidly over the last twenty years. The most obvious manifestation of this development is the exponential increase in machine size. The new large-scale horizontal-axis wind turbines (LHAWT) concepts are paradigm breakers; they have opened the doors to many exciting opportunities for modeling as well as for carrying out innovative and nontraditional designs. Despite the conservativeness in the structural designs of the conceived LHAWT systems, they are lightweight and they have high aspect-ratio blades. The aeroelastic behavior of these blades, which is not quite well understood yet, can have a significant influence on the considered LHAWT’s performance. Hence, the ability to estimate reliable margins for aeroelastic instabilities is expected to be of major importance for an LHAWT designer. The overall aim of this effort is to develop a fundamental understanding of the nonlinear aeroservoelastic behavior of LHAWT with high aspect-ratio blades and high flexibility. This understanding is to be realized by developing comprehensive computational tools, and the understanding gained through this study is to be used for predicting the uncontrolled and controlled responses of LHAWT.

From a fundamental standpoint, this effort will help understand how to couple unsteady, nonlinear aerodynamic models with nonlinear structural dynamics models in studies of unsteady, nonlinear fluid-structure problems, the different possible nonlinear phenomena in such systems, and develop nonlinear phenomena based control strategies. The development of the proposed fluid-structure models and control strategies for highly flexible LHAWT is expected to provide an important foundation for the design of the next generation of LHAWT.

Bio: S. Preidikman is Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering, UNC (1988), MS in Civil Engineering, Univ. of Puerto Rico (1992), and PhD in Engineering Mechanics, Virginia Polyt. Inst. and State Univ. (1998). He is Prof. of Aeronautical and Mechanical Engineering at the UNC since 2006 and Associated Researcher at CONICET. He was a visiting Prof. at universities of USA, Bogotá, Colombia, Denmark, and Spain. Dr. Preidikman is member of numerous scientific academies and societies. He is the author of more than 50 technical and scientific papers and of more than 180 conference papers. His current areas of research are in the fields of computational mechanics, numerical methods in engineering, unsteady and nonlinear aeroelasticity, flapping wings, bioinspiration and biomimetics.

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